Petey Boy In History

This is Petey Boy

Do The Petey!


Petey Boy is from a time far, far away.


Petey Boy has always been there but none of you have known him.


Petey boy has traveled thoughout History and has been at the most important events thoughout time.


Here is his journey.....



Edison Chokes the little Bastard
Petey Boy and his good friend Thomas A. Edison
Menlo Park, New Jersey 1879


Oh The Humanity
Petey Boy Plays with matches, Lakehurst New Jersey
May 6, 1937


Petey Helps get it up
The real reason it took 5 men to raise the flag
Petey Boy, Iwo Jima, 1945


Petey in a Bikini
Petey Boy gets a new Chemistry Set
Bikini Islands, 1946



Petey & Ruby Perfect Together
Petey Boy was spotted on a Grassy Knoll a few day earlier
November 4, 1963



Petey Best
Meet The Petey
Rumors of a 5th Beatle are TRUE!!!!
Petey Boy
meets the beatles



One Small Petey
"This is one small step for man.... Hey who the &$%# are you!"
Petey and Neil Armstrong
July 20,1969


Petey's a Pisser
"OK kid you stand by the flag while I take a Leak"
Petey Boy and Buzz Aldrin



Dickey & Petey Say Goodbye
August 1974


Well that's all for Petey Boy for now.

If you have enjoyed traveling through history with Petey Boy Let us know and we may bring you more of...

Petey Boy in History



Copyright 2001 Petey Boy Production
Do not use without Permission
Petey Boy is the Property of Petey Boy

Other Petey Boy Pages
Petey Boy Goes to Hollywood

Petey Boy - Lost and Found


Here is what the critic have to say about Petey Boy In History:

Petey Boy:

"You're a Righteous Dude, with moves that groove
You're the Coolest Cat, and that's a fact,
Checkin' out the scenes, without a spot on your jeans,
Bombs explodin', playin' with Rockets, there you stand with your hands in your pockets,
Petey Boy UP, Petey Boy Down, you're the hippest cat that's ever come 'round,
Petey Boy, you really da man, hangin' with you is like cookin' with spam,
Take me on a journey to see the sights, I'll hang with you Petey Boy cuz're OUTTA SIGHT"

The End

Petey Boy Lyrics are the property of TIM-MAY.  All rights reserved by
TIM-MAY.  Any use iof these lyrics without the expressed written permission
of TIM-MAY is expressly prohibited.TIM-MAY, TIM-MAY, TIM-MAY